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  Le Ngondo


 DOUALA (Tribu)

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Lettre ouverte de l´association Avec Douala

Serie de courrier que nous voulons adresser à toutes nos autorités, parce que nous voulons que les langues africaines se développent et s´imposent.

Lien: Lettre ouverte de l´association Avec Douala
VIP :  Mr Ewanjé Epée Charles     ()

25 Proverbes Duala

Bonjour Brother Metusala Dikobe,
je pense que la langue est un des éléments essentiels si non l’élément le plus essentiel d’une culture.
Et rien ne reflète mieux une culture que ses dictons et ses proverbes.
Raison pour laquelle je souhaiterais que le peuple sawa prennent connaissance de quelques ‘un de ses proverbes qui ont été rassemblés par un missionnaire allemand (honnêteté intellectuelle oblige).
Mon avis est tu les publies en PDF afin que tout intéressé soit capable de les télécharger et éventuellement discuter avec les autres.
Voici donc 25 proverbes en Word et PDF
Cordialement Paul Eboumbou

Lien: 25 Proverbes Duala
VIP :  Mr EPEE Valère     ()

The Nation-State and Alternative Narratives: An Example from Colonial Douala

This article examines processes of community-building in the immigrantquarter of New Bell, Douala, during the interwar years. Historians of Douala haveoverlooked the history of New Bell, focusing instead on the political and economic activity of Duala’s Westernized elite during this period. This historiographic oversight reflects a preoccupation with elite politics identified as the seeds of nationalism in Cameroon. An examination of the community of immigrants provides us with an alternative conceptualization of a multiethnic collective. By tracing the construction and evolution of public space in interwar New Bell, we can uncover elements of group solidarity binding together this highly diverse population.

Lien: The Nation-State and Alternative Narratives: An Example from Colonial Douala
VIP :  Mr Dikobe Metusala     ()

Économie, société et pouvoir chez les Duala anciens

Économie, société et pouvoir chez les Duala anciens

Vigilance !!!

Lien: Économie, société et pouvoir chez les Duala anciens


- Origine du Ngondo
- Ses activités judiciaires, autrefois
- Ses activités politiques avant et pendant l’occupation allemande
- Le rôle politique joué par le Ngondo avant l’indépendance du Cameroun
- Le Ngondo, fête traditionnelle des Duala

VIP :  Mr Nganguè André     ()

GENEALOGIE des KING BELL depuis 1858

Lien: GENEALOGIE des KING BELL depuis 1858
VIP :  Altesse Duala Manga Bell Rudolf     ()

Livre mytique de la langue Douala.

Lien: Livre mytique de la langue Douala.

Le Livre Blanc de Bele Bele

J’ai décidé de mettre à la disposition de toute la famille Bele Bele et de tous ceux que la vérité historique concernant la succession à notre Janea Lasam (Chefferie Supérieure) intéresse, des documents inédits mis pour la première fois à la disposition d’un large cercle.

Lien: Le Livre Blanc de Bele Bele

The Duala peoples

The Duala peoples are a number of ethnic groups who speak one of the various Duala languages. They inhabit the coast of the Republic of Cameroon and form a major portion of the Sawa, or Cameroonian coastal peoples.

Lien: The Duala peoples

Origine du terme "Ambass Bey", plus connu par la musique de Salle John

The mountainous district in which the Bay of AMBOISES is situated, was formerly called by the Portuguese, Tierra Alta de AMBOZES, according to Mr. John Grazilhier, who made a voyage to Old Kalabar in 1699. The native name for the highest part of the mountain is MONGO-MA-LOBAH, but at the back or further inland, it is called MOKALI-MA-PAKO. The isolated peak near the bay, about five thousand feet high, is Mongo-m´Etindeh. The summit of the principal mountain, rising thirteen thousand feet above the level of the sea, was often lighted up most brilliantly by the morning sun, while the deep shadows thrown across its base involved all the lower parts in gloom, hiding the deep ravines which furrow its rugged sides. Mr. Lilly, who has known the mountain many years, assured us he had seen flames near the summit. This might be accounted for by the practice of the natives, who burn the grass in the dry season for the purpose of catching the wild animals, which they style "bush-meat;" but several of the principal natives of Bimbia declared, that about three years previous to our visit, that is about 1839, "fire came out of the ground;" they said, "God made it;". "They all saw it; and at Mongo, they felt the earth shake like a steam-boat." " The people there feared it would kill them all." This, coupled with the name of the mountain, Mongo-ma-Lobah, or God’s Mountain, offers a reason for supposing it might be the "CHARIOT OF THE GODS" of Hanno, the Carthaginian. He says, in the Periplus, "we discorered at night a country full of fire. In the middle was a lofty fire, larger than all the rest, which seemed to touch the stars. When day came, we discovered it to be a, large hill, called TEONOCHEMA,- the CHARIOT OF THE GODS."

Lien: Origine du terme "Ambass Bey", plus connu par la musique de Salle John
VIP :  Mr Salle John     ()

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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