38ème du genre, la fête nationale sera célébrée sur toute l’étendue du territoire national. Elle commémore le référendum du 20 mai 1972 par lequel les Camerounais des deux rives du Moungo, optèrent pour un Etat unitaire. Celui-ci prenait ainsi le relais de l’Etat fédéral né le 1er octobre 1961, avec la levée de la tutelle de l’ONU sur le Cameroun méridional et sa réunification d’avec le Cameroun oriental, indépendant depuis le 1er janvier 1960.
We do agree that the problems that are confronted by the Anglophones in Kamerun are real and existing. They are peculiar, it is true, due to the existence of two imperialists cultures, one of which has to be imposed on the other, as always, without our consultations.
It is more than an insult that, after decades of British colonisation, Anglophones have to suffer from the imposition of French neo-colonialism, this time, via our Francophone brothers and sisters. That an atmosphere of distrust has been built up between the Francophones and Anglophones in Kamerun, is no doubt. Many of us are thus no longer optimistic of a bright future for national unity.
But fellow Kamerunians, let us ask ourselves the following question : what is the difference between a Bamenda man and a Bamileke man, a Fontem man and a Dschang man, a Bakweri man and a Douala man, a Bakossi man and a Mboh man ?
From the Kamerunian point of view, the answer to this question is that there is no difference. We therefore believe (just like any other objective Kamerunian), that these imperialist cultures and influences, have profoundly caused a hell of problem for us, and that, to reestablish our brother and sisterhood relationship, void of distrust we has to completely eradicate the French and British cultures from our beloved country.
Manfred S. NGU