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  Le Ngondo



Miss Ngondo 2005 Opened To Southwest 

By Joe Dinga Pefok

Competition for the prestigious Ngondo title, which is a major feature of the Ngondo Festival, a grand cultural jamboree of the Sawa people, will from this year be opened to interested female indigenes of the Southwest Province. This disclosure was made at a press briefing at the Ngondo Secretariat at Akwa, Douala, recently.

Though the Southwest Province had been considered as part of the grand Sawa, the participation of the Province at the annual Ngondo Festival in Douala, had in the past only been visible in the canoe race, as well as by the presence of some Southwest elites at the occasion.

As for the Miss Ngondo competition, it has so far been limited to the Littoral Province. The inclusion of the Southwest Province as from this year is going to turn a new page for the entire Ngondo Festival in the Province, as the different chiefdoms will definitely come to really feel involved in the festival.

The preliminaries of the Miss Ngondo competition takes place at the level of the different chiefdoms. The different chiefdoms then send their winners to Douala for the final stage, which comes up during the Ngondo Week.

The Miss Ngondo race is highly competitive too, as many Sawa girls have come to realise that most of those who have emerged as Miss Ngondo, and even the runners-up, have ended up being offered lucrative jobs by some big companies in Douala, as part of the company´s contribution to the promotion of the Sawa culture.

The Ngondo 2005 Week will start on Saturday, November 26. A series of activities during the week will culminate in Ngondo 2005 proper, on December 4. This will be marked by a grand celebration that will take place at the Ngondo village, located on the banks of the River Wouri.
The current President of Ngondo is Chief Paul-Milord Mbappe Bwanga (a senior personnel of PMUC) who is the Chief of Belle-Belle.


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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

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