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  Le Ngondo



Yaounde Elite Declare Ethnic Cleansing 

Yaounde Elite Declare Ethnic Cleansing
By Ernest Sumelong

Some serving and former Ministers and other highly placed personalities from the Centre Province have declared war on those they termed forces of destruction. In an 18-point declaration, Mfoundi elite vowed, in no uncertain terms, to return act for act: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

The declaration, signed among others by the Government Delegate to the Yaounde City Council, Gilbert Tsimi Evouna, Marie Madaleine Fouda, Charles Etoundi, Cecile Bomba Nkolo, warns "forces of destruction… to immediately leave our land because it is no longer secure for them.

" That they should tell those who sent them that all the "living forces" of Mfoundi have worn the war gear of their ancestors who fought against the Europeans."The threat, which was published in the government controlled "Cameroon Tribune" daily and "La Meteo" very curiously runs against government avowed stand on a "one and indivisible Cameroon". It is translated by us into English and reads in ex-tenso:

Declaration By Mfoundi Elite

"We, the sons, daughters, elite, notables, traditional rulers, leaders and all living forces of Mfoundi, of all social statutes and classes, all political shades of opinion and religious backgrounds, meeting in the CPDM party house on Friday, February 29, 2008:

- After an in-depth analysis of the serious events that have taken place in our country in the past week since February 24, 2008;
- After listening keenly to the declaration in strong terms of the Head of State to the nation in the evening of February 27, 2008;

- Thank the population of Mfoundi for their respectable and responsible behaviour;
- Recalling the nevertheless famous phrase: "When Yaounde is breathing, Cameroon is alive," made by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya himself under similar circumstances;

Declare as follows:

- Yaounde, the seat of national institutions, has a tradition of reverential hospitality and good will towards all those living, resident or in transit there. This enables them to carry on their activities freely and in total security;

- Yaounde and its population traditionally pay unalloyed loyalty to public authority, especially when such authority is vested with powers and was democratically and freely chosen like in the case of President Paul Biya;

- Hence, we are, without reservation, supporting the strong terms and serious tone in which the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, condemned those unscrupulous actors and manipulators behind the scenes, who deliberately sent children of other people- not theirs - to their death;

- We express our deep condolence to the families hit by this absurd and unjustified loss
- We are strongly opposed to those fomenting trouble and authors of all forms of vandalism on people and their property in our city, which we refuse from being transformed into a place for the practice of criminal activities and unreasonable acts.

- In line with the Head of State, we strongly and forthrightly warn those who would attempt to repeat these acts of vandalism witnessed during the past week to beware. The evil was too much! Those behind this should stop it! No chaos will happen again in Mfoundi, wherever it is coming from. We will, without hesitating and by all means, bar the way as our forefathers did in similar circumstances.

- Let it be known that we will return act for act. From now hence; an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth.
- Neither we, nor our children, will again be compelled to trek, after sacrificing so much to acquire the means of movement in relative comfort.

- We will not accept to be hungry or thirsty, as our markets are overflowing with foodstuff and our sisters have bountiful harvests from their labour, but lack the means to transport them or for fear of looters.

- We will never accept the destruction of our roads, tarred with enormous expenditure by the national community.
- We are strongly requesting those forces of destruction from wherever, to immediately leave our land because it is no longer secure for them. That they should tell those who sent them that all the living forces of Mfoundi have donned the war gear of their ancestors who fought against the Europeans.

- We exhort our families to be vigilant to forestall all eventual acts that may breach the peace and stability in the seat of our institutions.
- Finally, we are stating and proclaiming that, the collective of the Yaounde elite, having been annoyed, Yaounde will continue to breathe with all its lungs at full function. And Cameroon will live, under the courageous and foresighted leadership of President Paul Biya.

- President Paul Biya, Mfoundi unflinchingly and in one voice, supports you.
Done in Yaounde this 29th Day of February, 2008

Thirty signatories among which are:

Andre Mama Fouda, Ze Boniface, Charles Etoundi, Messi Atangana, Olinga Ondoa Jean Paul, Tsimi Evouna Gilbert, Rose Zang Nguele, Cecile Bomba Nkolo, Martin Okouda, Onambele Zibi, Belebi Onana Francois, Eyebe Locas Emanbo, Mare Aurele Mfoukou, Oloa Zambo Anicet, Ottou Jeanne, Mbongo Anastasie, Okeng Sylvie, Fouda Marie Madaleine, Essomba Beaufort.


Source: PostNewsLine | Hits: 26007 | Envoyer à des amis  ! | Imprimer ! | Réagir(0)


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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

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