Noah of the Bible was a Black Man
Notes de Peuplesawa.com: La Bible nous a ete apporte comme instrument de domination. Aujourd´hui nous sommes tellement "christianises" que nous n´arrivons pas a remettre en cause cette colonisation religieuse. Certains vont etre choques de ce language, mais precisons que ce n´est pas le Message en tant que tel qui est mauvais, mais le Messager. Les historiens temoignent que les Missionnaires etaient dans la plus part des aventuriers, dont beaucoup avaient une formation militaire. Gaston Donnat, un Europeen, lui-meme en parle dans ses memoires, les missionnaires Blancs, lorsqu´ils se retrouvaient entre eux, se moquaient bien de ces Negres, qu´on doit traiter comme des enfants. Nous voulons attirer l´attention de nos compatriote sur ce phenomene religieux, qui nous maitient dans une alienation culturelle et mentale suicidaire. Il existe de nos jours des recherches scientifiques sur la Bible. Les Egyptologues nous prouvent que ce document dit "sacre" n´est qu´un plagiat des doucments sacres ecrits des millenaires avant; et en plus par des Noirs Africains. L´imperialisme utilise la force brutale pour maintenir ses domines sous son joug, mais c´est beaucoup plus des instruments mentaux comme la culture, et surtout la Religion qui sont utlises pour la domination totale de l´individu.
Ouvrez donc les yeux, lisez les analyses scientifiques comme ce texte venant des USA qui prouve que NOAH de la Bible etait un Noir.
Scientists acknowledge that all people of the earth are a single family and have a common origin. In the Bible, Acts 17:26 states “And he made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth...” This Biblical fact proves all races are equal and descend from a common source.
Many people know the Biblical story of Noah and the Ark, but how many know that he was a man of color from whom all races originated? Noah had three sons whose descendants make up the world as we know it. Noah and his sons are depicted in an original piece of artwork from Gary Thomas, artist for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. As part of a nationwide education/awareness campaign, black entrepreneur Eric Johnson, president of Christian Art Network, will offer limited and open edition fine art reproductions beginning during Black History Month in February 2007.
Looking to promote the truth about people of color in the Bible, the print depicts Noah and his family on dry land after the great flood that God sent to destroy wickedness on the earth. Along with the pairs of animals who survived are Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives. The oldest son Japheth a light brown man, fathered Asians, Europeans, and Indians. Shem the middle son was a brown man and fathered Hebrews, Arabs, and Israelites. Ham the youngest son was a black man and fathered Egyptians, Africans, and Ethiopians. These facts are supported by Biblical scripture.
“We have a strong heritage that most people aren’t aware of, “ said Johnson. We want people everywhere to help us promote the truth concerning the actual way the great patriarchs looked. Once this art is seen by millions of Christians, people will better understand where everyone came from giving dignity and respect to all nationalities. This is a crucial step and the common denominator needed to bring all races harmoniously together. Racism will end when there is mutual respect for everyone. What better way to promote this noble cause than through beautiful art work that speaks for itself! We all know the adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Our objective is to help people of color and more importantly children of color look at themselves in a more positive way. Noah was a preacher of righteousness and our role models should be our Biblical patriarchs. Every detail was taken into consideration to make sure that it coincides with what is written in the Bible,” he concluded.
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