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  Le Ngondo


Akhenaton (1375-1358 B.C.)

1300 years before Christ, he preached and lived a gospel of perfect love, brotherhood, and truth. 2000 years before Mohammed, he taught the doctrine of the "One God." 3000 years before Darwin, he sensed the unity that runs through all living things.

Amenhotep IV, better known as "Akhenaton, the Heretic King," is in some respects, the most remarkable of the Pharaohs.

After the death of his father, he came into full power in Egypt and took the name Akhenaton. He produced a profound effect on Egypt and the entire world of his day.

Thirteen hundred years before Christ, he preached and lived a gospel of perfect love, brotherhood, and truth. Two thousand years before Mohammed, he taught the doctrine of the "One God." Three thousand years before Darwin, he sensed the unity that runs through all living things.

The account of Akhenaton is not complete without the story of his beautiful wife, Nefertiti. Some archaeologist have referred to Nefertiti as Akhenaton´s sister, some have said they were cousins. What is known is that the relationship between Akhenaton and Nefertiti was one of history´s first well-known love stories.

At the prompting of Akhenaton and Nefertiti, the sculptors and the artists began to recreate life in its natural state, instead of the rigid and lifeless forms of early Egyptian art.

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

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