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  Le Ngondo

 12 Khamit stories online

Maatkara shatters a lot of these Hollywood generated myths of the culture in subtle and in other cases abrupt ways. We begin by calling ancient Egypt by its proper name, Khamit. Its inhabitants the Khamou. The Khamou were Africans.

´Behold ancient Khamit and all the secrets I have hidden within´


There are millions of people that have a fascination, preoccupation or at the very least have seen or heard of ancient Egypt. Hollywood movies have given us plenty of movies that portray the ancient Egyptian culture in different perspectives. Quite often these portrayals misrepresent the culture on many levels. Either they are primitives, emotionally or spiritually premature, devoid of the prerequisites required to justify the greatness and wisdom they achieved. Movies often trivialize the profound impact this ancient culture had on the world and marginalize the contributions of mathematics, science, religion and philosophy. To the average person the Egyptians worship the sun and simply mummify their dead (who can come to life many years later in the future to frighten Western audiences).

Maatkara shatters a lot of these Hollywood generated myths of the culture in subtle and in other cases abrupt ways. We begin by calling ancient Egypt by its proper name, Khamit. Its inhabitants the Khamou. The Khamou were Africans. Secondly and most significantly we return Khamit to its correct latitude and longitude, which place it on the continent of Africa. Contrary to popular belief that Egypt is in the Middle East. The current Arab populations of Egypt are not reflective of the ancient inhabitants of the Nile Valley ...correction Hapi valley.

But the goal of the story is not to raise racial issues (although it will) but rather to focus on the powerful harmony that the culture was able to achieve and in turn how this harmony brought forth balance wisdom and dramatic evolution to a people. This culture is held in contrast to a western model of progress, an evolution of internal versus external. How does a civilization evolve when the focus is on improving internally and spiritually? How does a civilization evolve when the progress is measured in external metrics?

Another point of Maatkara (not brought out in the online series) is that of the spiritual system. The many gods/deities of ancient Khamit. In truth all the ´Gods´ are various forms/reflections of the One God. This was fundamental to the spiritual system and often misinterpreted by western scholars studying ancient Khamit. The science of their spirituality is a clear reflection of their grasp of science and their firm understanding of their environment and the role they played in it. Central to this understanding is the idea of a single God or energy. Maatkara could not bring this theme out but is greatly elaborated and woven into the full story. The future section of the site name ´The Culture´ will expose much of this knowledge in a proper context.

If you have an opinion on the series or any area covered or related please feel free to contribute to the Maatkara brain trust. We are always looking for fresh research and perspectives. We will begin posting well thought out essays and writings supporting or opposing any thoughts, we all too seek the balance (Maat).

Eternal Peace and Blessings,

Dawit Lessanu

"Limited Series Khamitic Calendars 2004-2005 illustrated and signed by the creator of Maatkara."


"Coming soon Maatkara apparel, posters and paraphernalia."

Story Characters:

Mentohotep (MENTU)
Wise, loyal and just, Mentu serves as the protector and teacher of the Chosen One. As a younger man he was a fierce warrior who fought to defeat Set, the God of Chaos. When his dear friend AhmenRa disappeared through the portal to the surface world, Mentu himself went into exile, where he has remained for many years. Now that the Sirius B prophecy has been fulfilled, Mentu has emerged from the shadows to protect and lead the Chosen One. Though often serving as the voice of reason, he is quick to engage in battle.

Nefra is the eldest daughter of Queen Hatshepsut and King Khufu. Arrogant and insensitive, Nefra is the complete opposite of her sister Maat. Only for reasons of tradition is she ordained to become the high priestess, though it is well known throughout the court that Maat is much more deserving of the revered position. Nefra´s awareness of that truth fuels her resentment of her younger sister. Yet despite Nefra´s blatant rejections of her, Maat continues to show her only love and affection. Nefra´s rise to high priestess has recently been threatened by the prophesied ascension of the Chosen One, who will be the highest power of both warrior and priesthood, reducing the position of High Priestess to a mere figurehead. However, Nefra´s ambition is boundless, and she will not let herself be pushed aside without a bitter struggle.

Princess MAAT
Princess Maat has been raised as the younger daughter of King Ptah and Queen Hatshepsut. A child of gentle nature and unusual sensitivity, she has spent her life preparing to become a spiritual leader of her people. Maat excels in all aspects of her training and has far surpassed everyone, save the Oracles, in her powers of prophecy and healing. Despite her clairvoyant abilities and serene demeanor, as she grows older she has become increasingly troubled by an inner turmoil she can´t understand, a war between her gentle soul and a darker, hidden element of her nature.

Little is known of Meskerem´s origin, though it is rumored that Set conjured him from the bowels of the spirit world to be unleashed upon the four worlds of Khamit. What is known is that Meskerem is a devout follower of Set and the leader of the Esfet warriors. He is cunning, ruthless and rarely spares lives. Set has trained Meskerem since birth in the skills of martial arts, and now he is a warrior of preternatural capabilities. Beyond a mastery of weapons, Meskerem also has great skills in stealth and is able to appear out of thin air and disappear just as easily. Meskerem is believed to be a Master of Four Spheres of Ra.

SET NTR(God) of chaos
Set, the Great God of Chaos, is bent on bringing anarchy to the universe. Imprisoned for killing his brother, Set vowed revenge and is determined to destroy the Chosen One and let Chaos reign throughout the cosmos. Through the ages he has converted many followers to his sect and created the Esfet warriors, a mighty army willing to carry out all his plans. The ascension of the Chosen One is critical to Set because it signals a change in the order of the universe and exposes a time of vulnerability during which he plans to upset the delicate balance of existence and unleash boundless chaos for eternity.

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