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  Le Ngondo


Moses Levi of Altona, Lawyer of Mpondo Akwa - Genealogy.

Moses Levi (1875-1938), lawyer and notary public, married to Betty, nee Lindenberger (1882-1942).

Moses Levi (1875-1938), lawyer and notary public, married to Betty, nee Lindenberger (1882-1942).

1. David Cohn (1590-1660), the first rabbi in Altona known by name.
1584 Right of Settlement for four Jewish families in the Holstein village of Altona.
1611/14 two Jewish cemeteries (today K?straߥ/Louise-Schroeder-Straߥ): the "High German" Altona Ashkenazi and the "Portuguese" Hamburg Sephardi.
1620 at the latest a Jewish community founded in Altona.

2. Elias Cohn (1614-1653), shopkeeper.
1622 war causes the flight of Altona Jews to Hamburg and illegal settlement.
1649 expulsion from Hamburg and return to Altona - 1640 Altona´s sovereignty changed from the Count of Schauenburg to the King of Denmark.
1647 New Synagogue built. (1649 laying of the foundation stone of the Protestant church).

3. Jacob Cohn (?-1721), shopkeeper.
1657/58 renewed flight of Altona Jews to Hamburg; attainment of the right of residence and a school for the Altona filial community in Hamburg.
1663 cemetery in the village of Ottensen as the foundation for an independent Hamburg Jewish community.
1664 Altona acquires a town charter. Subordination of the newly founded Hamburg community to the chief rabbi of Altona.
1671 the creation of the "tri-community AHW" with the amalgamation of the Wandsbek Jewish community.
1682-84 building of the Great Synagogue on the eastern side of Kirchenstraߥ (today the western side of Kirchenstraߥ).
1690 religious educational institution (Klaus) established.

4. Moses Cohn (?-1735), shopkeeper.
1711/13 destruction of the Great Synagogue by fire and Swedish attack.
1716 rebuilding of the synagogue on the old foundations. Settlement of Sephardi families in Altona.

5. Jacob Cohn (?-1771), shopkeeper and Klaus rabbi.
1750-56 "Altona amulet feud" between the two religious authorities Jacob Emden and Chief Rabbi Jonathan Eybesch?th nation-wide effect on Jewish identity.

6. Moses Cohn (?-1849), teacher.
1771 a Sephardi community and a "Portuguese Synagogue" in B䣫erstraߥ (today Hohenschulstraߥ).
1806 Jewish community school.
1812 separation of the Altona filial community in French Hamburg and the loss of the seat of chief rabbi to Hamburg for political reasons. Disbanding of the tri-community.
1840 the community school moves into their own building in Gr?aߥ (today the western side of Kirchenstrasse).

7. Jacob Cohn (1808-1905), Klaus rabbi.
1863 the Altona Jews acquire equal status with the other inhabitants through the "Emancipation Act for Jews".
1867 the Prussian town of Altona is represented in the Prussian House Of Representatives by the Jewish lawyer Moritz Warburg.
1873 new Jewish cemetery in Bahrenfeld.

8. Rachel Cohn (1847-1913), married to Leopold Levi (1847-1915), baker.
1887 sale of the "Portuguese Synagogue" and the dissolving of the Sephardi community.
1889 incorporation of Ottensen in Altona. The first immigration of "east European Jews" to Altona.

9. Moses Levi (1875-1938), lawyer and notary public, married to Betty, nee Lindenberger (1882-1942).
A second Jewish centre ("in Wohlers Allee") and two "polish synagogues".
1926 Dr Joseph Carlebach becomes chief rabbi of Altona. The community school moves to Palmaille (today the site of the Federal Fisheries Research Institute).
1927 "Greater Altona" formed through incorporation.
1933 onward, the legal, political and social exclusion of Jews by descriminatory laws, revocation of the means of employment, civil rights and property.
1937 Dr Theodor Weiss becomes chief rabbi. Dr Joseph Carlebach became chief rabbi of Hamburg in 1936. "Greater Altona" is merged into "Greater Hamburg" and the Altona Jewish community, now seriously diminished in numbers through emmigration and flight, is combined with the Hamburg community.

10. Elisabeth Levi, 1909- , 1943 escaped from Denmark to Sweden.
K䴨e Levi 1909- , 1939 emigrated to England.
Walter Levi 1911- , 1936 emigrated to England.
Herta Levi 1916- , 1939 emigrated to England.
28.10.1938 the deportation of Altona´s Polish Jews.
9./10.11.1938 the "Reichskristallnacht" pogrom. Thereafter the clearing up of the damage done to the synagogue, which was exempted from arson being situated in a densely built-up area, at state orders and at the expense of the Jewish community.
1941 the former community school building in Gr?aߥ is employed as a "Jews´ House" where Jews are compelled to reside. The first trains leave Hamburg deporting Jews to the extermination camps.
1942 the compulsory sale of the Great Synagogue to the city of Hamburg.
Betty Levi is deported from Altona to Auschwitz following the compulsory sale of her house at no. 23 Klopstockstrasse
25.07.1943 an air-raid destroys what was left of the buildings and institutions of the Altona Jewish community - together with the entire old town of Altona.

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