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  Le Ngondo


Inoni Ephraim

He has held several positions of responsibility within the Civil Service including, the Assistant Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic until his appointment as Prime Minister, Head of Government on 8th December 2004.


Names: Inoni Ephraim

Date of birth : 16th August 1947

Place of birth : Bakingili - Limbe

Famil y status : Married with 5 children

Name of spouse : Mrs Inoni born Ngone Gladys

He did his primary education in Bota (Victoria) today, Limbe between 1954-1960 and secondary education from 1963 to 1967, obtaining the General Certificate of Education Ordinary and Advanced Level after successful completion of Teacher´s training. He eventually studied Administration in the National School of Administration and Magistracy, and later obtained a Masters Degree in Business and Public Administration from the South Eastern University in Washington in 1984.
He has held several positions of responsibility within the Civil Service including, the Director of Salaries, Secretary of State n° 1 at the Ministry of Finance, Assistant Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic until his appointment as Prime Minister, Head of Government on 8th December 2004.

Historique dans les gouvernements

Gouvernement du 22-09-2006
Premier Ministre, Chef du gouvernement
Gouvernement du 08-12-2004
Premier Ministre, Chef du gouvernement
Gouvernement du 07-12-1997
Secrétaire Général-Adjoint
Gouvernement du 19-09-1996
Secrétaire Général-Adjoint n° 1 Présidence République
Gouvernement du 21-07-1994
Secrétaire Général-Adjoint Présidence République
Gouvernement du 27-11-1992
Secrétaire Général-Adjoint Présidence République
Gouvernement du 09-04-1992
Secrétaire d´Etat Finances
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