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  Le Ngondo


When We Ruled

Author: Robin Walker Publisher: Every Generation Media Language: English ISBN: 0-9551068-0-X Price: £30.00 Hardback: 713 pages This landmark publication, which is superbly illustrated with high quality photographs, maps and drawings, provide

This is a fascinating half term course of 5 lectures. It is envisioned that this course will be wholly introductory to people who are complete novices to Black history. All of the classes are two-hour power-point presentations. It will run for half a term, one lecture per week in the evening from 7 to 9 pm.
  1. When we ruled
  2. The origin of humanity
  3. Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
  4. Everyday life in a West African Empire
  5. The Slave Trade and the African Diaspora

Lecture 1 - When We Ruled: A visual journey through thousands of years of Black History
This is a power-point presentation that addresses the following questions: What history do Black People have before the slave trade? What was a typical African city like? What were the public and private buildings like? What products did Africans make? Who did they sell them to? What did they do with the money? The civilisations covered are the Songhai Empire, Great Zimbabwe, the Swahili Confederation, Ancient Nubia, Ancient Egypt and Axum/Abyssinia.

Lecture 2 - The Origin of Humanity
This is a somewhat technical power-point presentation that provides the basic facts on the origin and evolution of the human race. The human race originated in Africa and the ancestors of the human race also originated in Africa. This presentation in fact represents the beginnings of Black history and also the first pages of world history.

Lecture 3 - Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
This is a power-point projection that addresses the following questions. Who were the Ancient Egyptians? Were they Africans, Asians, or Europeans? The topics covered are the Ancient Egyptians as seen by the Classical scholars, the physical anthropological evidence, the portrait statues, the Cairo Symposium of 1974, implications for future scholarship, etc.

Lecture 4 - Everyday Life in a West African Empire
This is a power-point presentation that covers life in the 15th and 16th century West African empire of Songhai - an empire that ruled two-thirds of West Africa. What was life like for an ordinary person? Issues such as family life, education, work, law and order, trade and industry, religious conflict, and town, village and city life are all discussed. The workshop highlights the cultural richness of the empire by examining its many economic, political, aesthetic, religious, technological and scientific distinctions.

Lecture 5 - The Slave Trade and the African Diaspora
This is a power-point presentation that covers the main line of events that brought together the continents of Africa, Europe and America. For Africa, this was perhaps a depressing and dreary episode but there was also another story - one of African resistance and independence that has rarely ever been told. African escapees in the Americas sought to set up mini-African states of their own quite separate from those of the enslavers.


LA REINE de NUBIAN DE KEMET (Égypte Antique) (1415-1340 B.C.)
Noire, belle et gracieuse, la Reine TYIE est l´une des plus influentes Reines à avoir dirigé KAMET. Née d´une famille princière de NUBIE, elle se maria au Roi de KEMET AMENHOTEP III qui dirigea les nouvelles dynasties royales vers 1391 av. J.-C.. La Reine TIYE portait le titre de "Grande Dame royale " et succéda au règne de son mari.. C´est TIYE qui gouvernait KEMET durant le règne de ses trois enfants AMENHOTEP IV (AKHENATON), SMENKHARE et le plus populaire jeune Roi TUT-ANKH-AMEN. Elle a dirigé KEMET prés d´un demi-siècle, amélioré le commerce et protégé ses frontières. Elle était considérée comme la déesse de la beauté de l´ancienne Égypte.

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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