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  Le Ngondo



Tome 1 et 2 Théophile Obenga Actes du colloque international, Libreville 1-6 avril 1985. ISBN : 2-7384-0204-6 • 300 pages Prix éditeur : 25,95 € / 170 FF Près de cent chercheurs ont ainsi exploré l´espace culturel bantu.

Cet ouvrage marque un véritable tournant dans l´approche des études relatives à l´aire culturelle bantu, qui couvre l´Afrique centrale, orientale et australe.

A l´initiative du Centre International des Civilisations Bantou (CICIBA), près de cent chercheurs, regroupant presque toutes les disciplines en sciences humaines, ont ainsi exploré, selon des méthodes scientifiques dynamiques et interdisciplinaires, l´espace culturel bantu.

Leurs études apportent des faits inédits concernant la genèse et l´essaimage des peuples de langue et de civilisation bantu dans toute l´Afrique subéquatoriale. Des faits nouveaux sont également acquis, ayant trait aux frontières linguistiques du monde bantu.
“Things fall apart” Chinua Achebe
l`œuvre africaine la plus universellement reconnue. Anti-colonial African literature like Achebe`s Things Fall Apart tended to impute African society`s problems to color prejudice rather than class conflict....

This book examines a series of events that took place long ago in and around the region of the Near East. Those events include the disruption of civilization, the sudden arrival of white people in the vicinity of the Caucasus Mountains and what happe...

The Iceman Inheritance
This new edition of The Iceman Inheritance is dedicated to Dr. Clarke. Dr. Clarke gave me great emotional and intellectual wealth -- just a little of his own seemingly boundless courage and compassion. Cover comments by Dr. Len Jeffries and James Sma...

Ubuntu - The African philosophy
Ubuntu is the essence of being human. It speaks of the fact that my humanity is caught up and is inextricably bound up in yours. I am human because I belong. It speaks about wholeness, it speaks about compassion. A person with Ubuntu is welcoming, ho...

Medical Apartheid The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present
From the era of slavery to the present day, the first full history of black America’s shocking mistreatment as unwilling and unwitting experimental subjects at the hands of the medical establishment....

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews
The book consists of archival records of business transactions and public records of the Shephadic (North African, Southern European and Dutch Jews) kidnapping and selling of African slaves. Its descibes the Jews creation of the trans-Atlantic slave...

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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