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  Le Ngondo


ACE Productions announces 2-weeks film festival 09-20 January 2008

The two-week festival which begins at the start of 2008 couples with the ACE film industry 2007 awards.

The two-week festival which begins at the start of 2008 couples with the ACE film industry 2007 awards.

ACE productions film industry based in Cameroon will trill the population of Yaounde in a two-week film festival previewed to take place from the 9 to 20 January 2008. In Connection with the up coming festival and ACE Awards 2007, the management of ACE Productions announces that there will be media voting over the Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV) and Canal 2 International to elect individuals and groups which have distinguished themselves as promoters of culture, film making, cinematography, TV management, TV production and related disciplines. The management of ACE says those who want to participate in the voting need to contact officials of ACE productions at its headquarters in Yaounde to be identified and to register in one of the categories mentioned.

The Chief Executive Officer of ACE productions, Claude Henry Ndengue, says 23 prizes and trophies will be given to winners. He added that film festivals are something traditional in other nations but had never happened in Cameroon. Thus, ACE has taken the initiative to get this done in Cameroon for the first time. Although the film festival is taking place for the first time, it will cover all what has been done as far as film production is concerned in Cameroon. Henceforth, the Chief Executive Officer of ACE says the event shall take place twice yearly. The two-week festival will include film projections, round table conferences and public lectures on topics such as the role of cinema in cultural and social development, African audio-visual, problems and suggested solutions and Cinema, business and employment. There will also be workshops on film making and film production management.

ACE production is an audio-visual, entertainment and film making industry with non-profit and non-governmental objectives.

ACE productions have produced the part I and II of Trials of Passion under the auspices of CTV, today’s CRTV. The part II Trials of Passion which was produced 17 years afterwards has nine episodes other than one episode as it was with part I of Trials of Passions. Part II of Trials of Passion which was launched in the United Kingdom (UK) and Cameroon is being broadcast on CRTV, Swaziland, Gambia televisions in Africa as well as on BEN TV in the UK. In the coming months, ACE intends to shoot a three-part tele-film entitled Barons in County while completing the editing of the Serial "Genesis".

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