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  Le Ngondo


Coco Mbassi

Coco Mbassi, artiste, so glad to be from Cameroon!

Coco a Duala

Je ne fais pas de la musique de salon

Retour au terroir

Le delire avec COCO Mbassi

COCO au Massao

Un COCO à offrir

COCO Mbassi annonce la couleur

The Color of Man
The oldest known fossil remains, were found in the Olduvai Gorge region in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. These first people were known as the "Twa", who worshipped the God Bes, a primiry Horus I, the earliest form of Ptah—the God of Gods.

Black/White Alliances; by John Henrik Clarke
We have been hospitable to strangers—nearly always to the wrong strangers! Nearly all of our relationships with non-African people began with a dinner invitation. More than anyone else in the world we repeatedly invited our future conquerors to dinne...

Akhenaton (1375-1358 B.C.)
1300 years before Christ, he preached and lived a gospel of perfect love, brotherhood, and truth. 2000 years before Mohammed, he taught the doctrine of the "One God." 3000 years before Darwin, he sensed the unity that runs through all living things....

Queen Hatshepsut (1500 B.C.)
She was according "The first great woman in history of whom we are informed."...

Cleopatra VII (69-30 B.C.)
Cleopatra was pictured as a distinct African woman, dark in color. Born in 69 B.C., Cleopatra came to the throne, when she was 18 years old.

The Passing of Patrice Lumumba; by John Henrik Clarke (1961)
Lumumba was and is still being extolled this "best son of Africa," this "Lincoln of the Congo," this "Black Messiah," whose struggle was made noble by his unswerving demand for centralism against all forms of Balkanization and rendered heroic by his...

Chronology of the Bible by Yosef ben-Jochannan (1973) Challenge to the Standard Version
The very first "BIBLE" produced by man, with regards to paying honour and divine respect to a "CREATOR OF ALL MANKIND," was that of the African People of the Nile Valley and Great Lakes regions of Central, East and Northeast Africa. They were no diff...

L´homme qui partagea le dernier repas de Moumié.
"Quand les jeunes Africains créaient l`histoire" L`ouvrage de Jean Martin Tchaptchet est aussi une remarquable galerie de portraits de Camerounais de sa génération, saisis tels qu`ils ont été dans leur jeunesse....

Regards anthropométriques, par Simon Njami
Art africain contemporain: Peut-on sortir des classifications de races, de genres, d’ethnies ? 16/10/2006...

Les visages ont vieillis par Simon Njami, Cameroun
Quelque chose, quelque part, demeure. Et même si plus personne, jamais, ne courra vers moi, sous le soleil, les bras emplis de fleurs, même si ne persiste plus que le souvenir du souvenir, il reste une trace, un sillon. Cette force de dire non, malgr...

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Jumeaux Masao "Ngondo"

Remember Moamar Kadhafi


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